Ideal hosting server
Preferred Server Type
Dedicated or VPS servers are preferable.
Operating System
We recommend linux as an operation system. Other os like centos is also good.
RAM (Memory)
Minimum 4 GB is recommended. This can be different as per web traffic. Higher RAM will increase server performance.
Disk Storage
Minimum 15 GB is recommended. This can be different as per number of listings and its photos.
Web Server
Apache is recommend as a web server. Check for .htaccess file support.
MySQL Database Server
We recommend MySQL 5.6 database server or higher for good database communication. Prior to MySQL 5.6 database server do not support map search for listing. phpMyAdmin as a database client is recommend for database management and access.
PHP Version
We recommend PHP version 5.5 or higher. Higher version come with more functionality.
Support For Custom PHP.INI Files
We recommend that your server should be able to use custom PHP.INI file. Some time as per requirement we need to modify some PHP settings and without PHP.INI it is not possible.
Secure Shell (SSH) Access
For remote access of hosting server, SSH is required. It is faster and required to test different scripts related with development.
E-mail Support (POP3 or IMAP)
To maintain website and upload. Download files FTP is required. E-mail is not necessary. It is depend on requirement. Some functionality required e-mail support.
Hosting server must support cronjobs which are responsible for automatic process.
FTP Access
To maintain website and upload, download files FTP is required.
Web File Manager
Hosting server should have some kind of file manager so developer can manage all programming code and other required files. Recommend web file manager is cPanel.
Server Support Type
Client must need to confirm with their hosting provider for support type. What kind of support and up to which level of support they will provide. It is also recommended that, client should ask for paid support and their charges to hosting provider before purchase.